Chandramukhi 2, also known as Moon-faced girl 2, is a 2023 Tamil-language comedic horror film that was produced by Lyca Productions' Subaskaran Allirajah and written and directed by P. Vasu. The book is a follow-up to Chandramukhi (2005). Along with Raghava Lawrence in two roles, the film stars Kangana Ranaut and Lakshmi Menon in the main roles. Vadivelu, reprising his role from the original, Raadhika Sarathkumar, Mahima Nambiar, Srushti Dange, Rao Ramesh, Subiksha Krishnan, Suresh Chandra Menon, Ravi Mariya, Vignesh, and Y.G. Mahendran are among the ensemble supporting cast members.
Directed: P. Vasu, Mahendran
Released Date: September 28, 2023 (India)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Horror
Languages: Hindi
Film Stars: Raghava Lawrence, Kangana Ranaut, Aathmika